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Magic Items


Also referred to as: Adamantine, adamantite, adamantium.

Adamantium (Marvel): Inability to be reshaped, high cost ot produce Adamantine (Greek): Associated with primordial gods/titans and the Underworld Duranium (Star Trek)


Also referred to as: Ether, luminiferous aether, quintessence, evanessence, the fifth element

See also: Phlogiston, ichor, ley condensate, materia


The horn of the unicorn. An alicorn has mystical healing properties.




Cavorite is a special metal that is pushed away from gravity, rather than being pulled by it. Because it is transmuted from common lead, it “weighs” as much as lead, but with a bouyant force. The most common means of transmuting cavorite from lead involve alloying lead with moondust at high tide.

Also referred to as: Upsidasium.


Gold is not inherently magical, but pure gold does have an interaction with magic that is worthy of note: Gold, or gold-plated objects can reflect magical effects. This phenomenon is often exploited by royals commissioning gold-plated armor.


Considered the 'basest' of metals, lead actually has numerous applications in magical science. It can be transmuted into cavorite and [_], and it has an interesting interaction with magic: It absorbs magical effects. This property of absorbing magic is useful in that it can protect persons and property, but it is fragile. When absorbing magical energy, the lead is heated, and any magical effect beyond the most basic will heat it up to forge temerature, or even melting it into a liquid.


Also referred to as: Mythril, mithral, truesilver


Miasma is a particular odor that causes illness.



Despite plenty of myths saying so, orichalcum is non-magical. It is merely an alloy of gold and copper.

Also referred to as: Auricupride, electrum


One of the uses of the philosopher's stone is to produce panacea - the substance which cures all illnesses.

Philosopher's Stone

This dull-red material can transmute base metals (copper, lead, mercury, nickel, tin, aluminum, zinc) into gold simply through physical contact.


Srith is a vary rare material. It appears as milky-translucent thin flakes or plates. It is very light, somewhat flexible, and has a tensile strength that is beyond testability.

Shadow Wax

This wax burns with a black flame and emits a shadow. Unlike mundane lamp oil which sheds light, shadow wax sheds darkness. It can be crafted from ambergris extracted from a whale that has rested on the floor of the ocean, which is in turn congealed in cave water untouched by light. Shadow wax will burn smokelessly, and smells of musk and night wind.


The basic unit of magical strength; it is the amount of magic needed to create one small white pigeon or three normal-sized billiard balls. Rank 1 magical abilities usually require 1 Thaum to successfully work.

new_magic_handbook/supplementary_materials/magic_items.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/23 06:55 by john

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