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Face-changing is the art of taking on a new identity. More than simply disguise and acting, a face-changer's false identity can deceive even close friends and family. A face-changer takes on a 'Guise', duplicating some or all of a being's persona and abilities. A Guise will last as long as the face-changer wants it to, but will be removed when someone speaks the face-changer's name.
Use an action to eat a portion of a being's body. When you do so, you take on a Guise, duplicating a portion of that being's persona or abilities. The portion of a being's persona or abilities depends on the body part eaten (see the 'Guise Features' list below). The Guise lasts until the face-changer chooses to drop the Guise, or until the face-changer replaces the Guise with a new one of the same type, or until someone speaks the face-changer's full given name. Any features gained by taking on a Guise are lost when the Guise ends. Most face-changers cannot take on a Guise using a creature from a different species - to do so, a face-changer must buy the 'Change Species' perk
Guise Features
Duplicate Body
Eat a piece of the femur to duplicate a being's body (excluding the face). Beware, this can also confer on the face-changer a being's chemical addictions, dietary needs, or allergies.
Duplicate Face
Eat a piece of the face, or eyes, or nose to duplicate a being's face.
Duplicate Memories
Eat a piece of the brain to duplicate a being's memories. This does not confer a complete experience of these memories however, but only replicates the memories as if they were pictures viewed by an impartial observer. To gain a complete experience of a person's life, one needs to duplicate both memories and their soul.
Duplicate Voice
Eat a piece of the tongue, trachea, or lungs to duplicate a being's voice, language, gestures, and expressions.
Duplicate Skills
Eat a finger or piece of the hands. This does not confer the strength or dexterity to duplicate these skills if they are not already possessed by the face-changer. When this is the case, the face-changer may need to duplicate a being's body.
Duplicate Soul
Eat a piece of the heart or drink some of a creature's blood to duplicate the life-lessons, emotionality, motivation, and cares. Beware, this can also confer upon the face-changer the duplicated being's deep-seated mental and emotional features, including, but not limited to: Psychological disorders, chemical addictions, habits, grudges, morality, honor, or sense of loyalty.
Weakness: True-name
If someone speaks your name while you are wearing a Guise, your Guise dissolves and you suffer extreme nausea. You gain one injury, lose your turn, and your Guise is removed.
Limitation: Same Species
Most face-changers cannot create a Guise from a creature of a different species. If this ability is desired, the “Change species” perk must be taken.
Each time you gain ranks in Face-changing, you may also gain your choice of one of the following perks:
A Kind Face
While wearing a Guise, you can choose to adopt a kind face. People will jump to the conclusion that you are a kind and innocent person. They will ask you for help, share their troubles with you, or, if their intentions are nefarious, try to exploit your apparent kindness.
Change Species
You can take on Guises from creatures of a different species than your own.
Requires 'Pickling' as a prerequisite perk. Instead of eating separate pieces of a being to obtain separate features, you gain any and all features when you consume any part. Can be upgraded into 'Mementos'.
Just A Face in the Crowd
While wearing a Guise, most of your actions, if they are observed, are perceived as mundane, harmless, and boring. However, if you do anything especially out of the ordinary (such as assassinating a public official or celebrity, or setting off a bomb in a city), your extreme actions will be noticed appropriately. Additionally, even while not wearing a guise, characters often have difficulty describing your appearance in specific terms, using vague terms such as “average height, plain face, dull hair” unless they spend an inspiration point to recall your appearance with normal accuracy.
Requires 'Complete' and 'Pickling' as prerequisite perks. Instead of eating the parts of beings, you can use other items to take on a Guise such as: Wearing their favorite clothes, or consuming their ashes.
You can take on Guises to mimic inanimate objects. While in this kind of guise, your form and appearance can mimic the item perfectly, but your body remains fleshy. While in this form, you cannot move. You senses are entirely lost unless you deliberately allow your sensory organs to remain, which may allow creatures to sense your true nature and see through your guise - even so, your senses are dulled while in this kind of guise.
When you were an infant, no one loved you enough to give you a name. You do not have the 'Weakness: True-name'.
Perfect Recall
After consuming a being's brain, you never lose their memories, even when you take on a new Guise or if your Guise fails.
The body parts you harvest never spoil, as long as one spends a modest amount of time and resources to preserve them. This requires appropriate equipment (even clay jars are fine), chemicals (vinegar or brine is fine), and storage space, of course.
After consuming a being's tongue, you never lose the ability to speak a being's language, even when you take on a new Guise or if your Guise fails.
You lose all semblance to a natural-born creature and now have an amorphous, sticky, ooze-like body. You can stretch and squeeze your body such that you can squeeze through tiny spaces (as little as 1 cm wide), or span wide gaps (as much as 100m). When you take on a Guise, you can do so even if it is not your turn. However this ability comes with the following disadvantages: You become vulnerable to acids, poisons, and toxins, and while not in a Guise, creatures treat you as something uncanny and untrustworthy.
GM notes on the Face-changer ability
Feature: Duplicate Body:
'Duplicate Body' can have the potential to affect a character's own health, as they take on another creature's physicality. Whenever a character attempts this ability without appropriate perks, take into account the duplicated being's health and physicality. If the duplicated being has any chronic disease, congenital disorders, or chemical addictions, you may force that player to spend an inspiration point to avoid physical injury.
Feature: Duplicate Soul:
'Duplicate Soul' can have the potential to throw a character (not the player) into emotional turmoil, as the lens through which they view reality radically shifts. Whenever a character attempts this ability without appropriate perks, take into account how divergent their character's morality and loyalties and such are from the being's they are duplicating. If they are sufficiently divergent, you may force that player to spend an inspiration point to avoid emotional, psychic, or spiritual injury.
Perk: Just A Face in the Crowd:
'Just A Face in the Crowd' cannot be “turned-off” by the player. For a character with this feature, and while they wear a Guise, attempts to gain a person's attention will be time-consuming, and the target will be apathetic and bored by the character wearing the Guise. This ability is not recommended for characters who want to be leaders or celebrities.
Perk: Nameless:
This perk carries an intended hidden cost. Due to the lack of a name to serve as an anchor to their identity, characters with this perk are more susceptible to the negative effects of 'Duplicate Soul'. A GM should force these face-changers to use inspiration to retain their identity more often, and when the face-changer chooses not to, give them not only an injury, but a scar as well.
Characters who are discovered to be face-changers are almost always reviled creatures who are ostracised at best or killed on sight at worst. This is due to the facts that most face-changers are cannibals, and even those who aren't are seen as creatures who will steal one's identity.
Perk: Mementos:
The prerequisites for the Mementos perk can be lifted if the GM prefers not to have cannibalistic player characters. Not that doing so renders the Pickling perk obsolete, and the Complete perk would require adjustment.
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