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Goblins in the Basement

A set of RPG scenarios involving goblins in an innkeepers basement.

Default Scenario

There are goblins in the basement, they are evil and mischievous, but not particularly dangerous to the player-characters. They will kill and consume any other characters that enter the basement.

Refugee Goblins

The goblins aren't evil, but are misunderstood refugees.

Evil Innkeeper, Kidnapper

The goblins don't exist, and the innkeeper locks the door behind the player-characters to trap them.

Evil Innkeeper, Serial Killer

The goblins don't exist, and the innkeeper locks to door behind the player-characters, trapping them in a dangerous basement.

Danger ideas:

  • The goblins DO exist, but they are dangerous.
  • There is toxic gas down there.
  • The basement is actually a dungeon.
  • The basement is actually a deep pit.
    • The basement's pit is trapped.
      • With spikes.
      • With deep water that requires swimming/floating.
        • The water holds sharks/crocodiles/piranha/leeches.


The 'goblins' are actually orphans trying and failing to hide. They live off scraps.

The orphans are hiding because:

  • Their orphanage burned down.
  • Their village / parents farm was the victim of a violent raid.
  • The innkeeper killed and ate their parents, and is fattening up the orphans for later.
  • The orphans are of a race persecuted by the local authority and the innkeeper is trying to turn them in.
campaign_ideas/goblins_in_the_basement.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/05 10:24 by john

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