d100 | Area |
01 | Steamy Kitchenette – hot grease sizzling in a wok on an open flame. |
02 | Otaku lair – A collector has jammed this room with stuff. D6 1. Dolls 2. Books. 3. Porn. 4. Tiny Models. 5. Musical Instruments 6. Underpants |
03 | Sleeping cubby – A warm sleeping nest of ratty blankets and pillows. |
04 | Laundry Room – A damp, mildewed room with a puddled and sagging floor. 1d4 Laundry cleaning devices are present. |
05 | Gang HQ – A shabby room with 1d6 gang members, 1d8 heavy weapons and 1d10 illegal items. |
06 | Drug Den – Filled with thick incense smoke, 1d4 Gang members, 1d6 addicts, and 1d6 packages of exotic narcotics. |
07 | Chicken Coop – Stinking of damp straw and shit, contains 1d10+10 Chickens and d20 eggs. |
08 | Electrical Hub – Thousands of jury rigged wires and power conduits, lots of smoldering duct tape and sparks. |
09 | Storage - soggy rotting boxes stacked to the ceiling |
10 | Fish market – A man is selling fish over a cardboard counter. Stacks of fish fresh or frozen are piled along all the walls. |
11 | Latrine - filth encrusted hole in the floor, broken sink. |
12 | Moonshine Still run by 1d6 violence-prone curiously out-of-place country bumpkins. Any combat/reckless behavior/running past in this room is a 10% cumulative chance per turn of resulting in explosion. |
13 | Family Room - Worn out chairs and a low table. Magazines and a Video Monitor. |
14 | Alley - Cramped with tubes and wires and dripping condensation. |
15 | Moss Farm - Green lit grotto full of square-ish moss vats and hydroponic gear. |
16 | Paranoiac's Security Room - this is where all the hidden cameras are watched from. Extra supplies of crappy snack foods and stimulant-laden beverages. |
17 | Open pit room, has exists, but no floor other than a mesh of burst pipes, crossed wires and random rebar. Dangerous to cross 25% chance room PC's were previously in crashes down after opening door to this room. |
18 | Ambush room: d12 guys with (d6) 1. Axes 2. Baseball bats 3. Chainsaws 4. Guns 5. Syringes 6. Karate Skills. Wearing (d4) 1. Leather Masks 2. Paper Bags 3. Diapers 4. Corpse Paint |
19 | Filthy Sex Dungeon, filled with all the accoutrements one can think of, Bondage racks, slings, all manner of toys, “clothing”, and inflatables. 1 in 4 chance of slipping as the entire room and everything in it is covered in a thin slime of lubricant. |
20 | Pirate broadcasting network, room filled with cabling, cameras and editing equipment. 1-2 massive library of old reruns, 3-4 live filming of crackpot political agitation, 5-6 bland softcore being carefully corrupted with subliminal messaging |
21 | Bridge - Rickety bridge made from wire and old fruit crates. |
22 | Convenience Shop – Tiny humid box of a store with a fan running but it doesn't help. Sells quick-grab items to people on their way to somewhere else: three-day-old donuts, Meat pies under warming lamps, Caffeinated energy drinks, 23. 3. Slightly melty chocolate bars, Bottles of cheap liquor, Trashy tabloid magazines. |
23 | Tourist market - lined with stalls each touting the exact same items – 1d5: 1. Wildly filigreed Jeans 2. Purse made from rare animal hides 3. Hats with the smell of metal 4. Jewelry made of broken plastic 5. Small knick knacks made out of random animal bone |
24 | Short room - 3’ ceiling. Filled with decayed porn mags |
25 | Out of control mutant greenhouse: 1. Mega-pygmies 2. Vine horrors 3. Swamp thing 4. Green man shrine 5. Flies with the heads of women 6. Everything is dead |
26 | Filthy, Pee-Stained Hovel. The stench in this room causes a DC13 Fort save, failure causes -1d to all actions for d3 rounds. +1d caster bonus to Fecalmancy while in the room. |
27 | Art Shack - Two ancient men paint models of alien creatures. Room is filled with paint fumes DC 15 fort save or operate at -5 to all rolls. |
28 | Near-impenetrable Panic Room. Successful access provides weapons cache, food supplies & working surveillance of surrounding area; but also pair of well-rotten bodies |
29 | Creepy hallway- Flickering fluorescent lights and a clinging cool mist reduce visibility in this 50' long passage. has 1d4 extra exits. |
30 | Poorly managed hover bike body shop. Everyone is either 1d8: 1. High 2. Vomiting 3. Has head stuck in (1) toilet (2) file cabinet (3) wheel well 4. Sleeping 5. Screwing the office boy 6. Screwing the office girl 7. Writing poetry 8. Playing gamma world or mah-jongg with their homies that don't actually work there |
31 | Impressively jury-rigged courier hub, pneumatic tube slots, hundreds of empty canisters and the whirring sound of a pressurizing engine. Occasional messages show up with a thunk, tended by an ancient, studious android that ignores all visitors |
32 | Makeshift Shop: Owned by (d4) 1. Scared Family 2. Old Coot 3. The Corporation 4. A Gang. What sells (d6) 1. Cans of beans 2. Home-made ammunition 3. Makeshift melee weapons 4. Drugs 5. Junk parts 6. The best ratburger in the slums. |
33 | Industrial Kitchen -clogged with chef bots , frozen mega poultry, and one flustered service inspector |
34 | Hoarder Home and the Hoarder is: 1. Dead 2. Resting 3. A mutant parrot 4. A twit 5. Something completely different |
35 | Bug-infested Room. This room is crawling with insects. 30% chance of encountering a giant 1. Mantis 2. Spider 3. Beetle 4. Cockroach 5. Scorpion 6. Moth |
36 | Garbage Reclamation Room 1. Crushing Walls 2. Crushing Ceiling 3. Acid/Chemical Bath 4. Furnace 5. Temporal Disruption 6. Sonic Deconstruction 7. Trash Eating Beast 8. Roll Twice |
37 | Large vats of insects being carefully stirred and processed into cheap protein bars. Poorly tended by obese engineer. Reaction roll: 1-2 welcomes warmly, insisting on visitors tasting free samples, 3-4 demands to be left alone, citing fragile machinery, turns hostile if pressed, 5-6 panics and assumes health inspectors or debt collection, immediately dumps all insects flooding area as he flees |
38 | Bukowski Bar - Themed Chain bar, common throughout the imperium. Features ugly masks on walls, no flush toilets, and false cops, and whores. |
39 | Dive Bar - Clearly a makeshift setup. Crates for both the bar and the few stools. Bare walls. Poor lighting. High quality drink, shockingly. (Stolen from a local place and selling it for a quick credit) |
40 | Freezer - large meat chunks on chains and hooks.”, |
41 | Sump hole - Numerous pipes dump vile fluids into this room it collects in a 1' deep pool and exit through a drain in the floor/wall. |
42 | Vacuum room. Doors read “DO NOT OPEN” |
43 | Valve room - d10 large pipes with d20 multicolored valves nearly fill this room. |
44 | Wreck: The ceiling or one of the walls has collapsed due to having a hover car ram through it. Roll d10. Evens = the vehicle is still running, but is wedged under the rubble. Odds= the vehicle has shut down, and may have been here for a while. 1: The driver's still inside, with 1d4-1 passengers. They're not happy about the situation. 2: As above but the people inside are hurt and unconscious. 3-6: The vehicle's abandoned. 7: The vehicle looks abandoned, but someone's angry pet cyber-baboon is inside. 8: The hover car is on fire. 9: Roll 1d4: The car is full of 1) guns; 2) drugs; 3) body parts, real or synthetic; or 4) a bag of credits that may or may not be real. 10: It's a cop car. |
45 | Barber shop - Old man with buzzing clippers, metal chair. Greasy mirror and table of tonics and pomades. |
46 | Cat Lady Room - Old woman in house coat armed with fly swatter, d20 cats. Smells like cat piss. |
47 | Open stairwell. Metal stairs end into an open dark pit after 27 steps. The bottom step shows signs of the rest of the stairwell having been violently removed. |
48 | Carefully maintained and sparklingly clean fully automated sexbot brothel, all shiny neon lights and sultry music trying to hide the fact that it shares a lot of curious piping with a factory underneath that distributes the PCs favorite protein drink. |
49 | Scabby Gang Potluck. you interrupt a potluck party attended by cannibal gangs in this room. Hopefully you brought something to eat… |
50 | Service tunnel - lit with yellow utility lights, steel grating for floor. Walls are thick with conduits and cables. 1d4 extra exits. |
51 | Decrepit auto-fab installation, with a corrupt maker AI. Will only produce clothing made of cardboard or tools made of Styrofoam, unless the user provides it with designer digi-drugs. |
52 | Machine shop - 1d6 burly workers hammer on metal and cut with grinders throwing sparks everywhere. |
53 | Murder scene. 1. Murder in progress. 2. Body on the floor, ready to be discovered. 3. Screaming neighbor has walked in on the blood bath. 4. Uncaring police. 5. Police tape seals the entrance, chalked outline on the floor. 6. Guy with funny hat offers a recent vacancy to the players. The chalked outline remains. |
54 | Liquor store clerked by a fembot in a hijab and designer jeans |
55 | Janitor's Closet - A tiny closet with a tired old man that has bitchin' sideburns cramped inside. |
56 | Butcher Shop - 1d4 blood spattered workers hack limbs and remove skin from large lizards. |
57 | Pet shop - mostly rats and pigeons, some fish, a few cats and mutts. One corgi. Through the back/side door is a kebab shop. |
58 | Local morgue combination body parts shop, complete with a library of over 3000 automated denominational services for the bereaved and a whoppingly well-priced sale on barely-old refurbished livers and lungs |
59 | Tiny Strip club - 1d4 dancers bump into each other on a tiny stage decorated with Christmas lights and bottle caps. A large tattooed ganger sits on a metal chair by a door and demands a cover charge. |
60 | All impenetrable wires and shit. PC's can enter but if they go more than 15' in they will become trapped and will be found by service personnel in 2d30 months |
61 | Police Outpost - 1d10 angry cops in heavy riot gear sit on benches holding studded bats. Boss cop sits at desk stacked with forms chewing on a pencil. They immediately attack. |
62 | Garbage chute - Descends 1d6 floors to a Garbage Reclamation Room. |
63 | Gambling den - 1d10 random folks sits hunched over card tables betting their wages away. |
64 | Boutique book store and obvious tax shelter of hundreds of dust-buried and cobwebby books undisturbed by generations of rampant surrounding illiteracy, run by a hobbyist with an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient history. |
65 | Blood donation vault, easily passed through. Not a good idea to shoot your guns or throw your grenades in here. |
66 | Tent village- this medium sized room is crowded with tents of all sizes and sorts. Contains d10 hippies. 50% chance of cannibal hippies. |
67 | Pit gladiator arena. Operated by (d4) 1. Gangers 2. The people, as a way to settle disputes 3. Dark Eldric 4. Greenskins. Specializes in (d6) 1. Cyborg weapons 2. Sword duels 3. Unarmed combat 4. Fight with what you have 5. Man vs. Beast 6. Anything goes |
68 | Tiny Low Rent Apartment 1. Rat/Cockroach King (dude has some weird interest in these vermin) 2. Paranoid old guy with a big gun 3. Missionaries 4. Local fix-it 5. Gangster's hidden loft to practice his hobby (1. Bonsai 2. Origami 3. Still Life Painting 4. Sculpting and painting toy soldiers) 6. Mostly innocent family |
69 | Wasp nest - This whole room has been taken over by angry wasps. All exits are obscured by grey paper wasp hive materials |
70 | Shrine - Well kept. Peaceful. Locals don't harass anyone within. |
71 | Abandoned Hovel - broken furnishing and thick layers of dust. All exits are boarded up with moldy plywood. |
72 | Large and extremely crowded pachinko parlor actually a haven for a networked marble-powered artificial intelligence running benign social tests on its users. |
73 | Bath House - Specializing in hot steam room massages using industrial oil. |
74 | Massive boiler room, easily as much open space as 5-8 of the apartments. Pipes, gears, huge tanks of water, barely attached rusty metal stairs and ladders, steam everywhere. 40% chance of caretaker presence - he likes to hide, scratch knives against the metal, project his voice, and generally be a creep. If thoroughly investigated with a light source, the bodies of 2d4 children and 2d6 animals can be found in and under some of the tanks. PCs can spend CON-8 rounds in here before having to save VS paralysis or be overcome by the heat. |
75 | Cyber Doc chop shop - Robotic limbs hang from ceiling, blood stained operating table and computer gear. Grinning doc and nurse. |
76 | A shrine or temple of some sort, overrun with hundreds of statues of various gods and spirits. The only light is from the countless candles on every flat surface, and the air is thick with smoke from burning incense. |
77 | seems like a normal apartment block , but is home to the cold revenge stalkers, a gang that is offended by everything but always waits 3d20 hours until they get their cold revenge 3d6 CRS will be involved in any particular cold revenge stalking |
78 | Inside a Large pipe - inside of this pipe is greasy reflex save or go prone. Roll d6 3 times. 1. goes 10' turns left 2. goes 20' turns right 3. goes 30' turns up 4. goes 10' turns down 5. end in a rapidly spinning fan blade 6. end in a metal grate |
79 | Cold storage warehouse rave - Thick insulation prevents the noise from leaking out too much. Unfortunately nearly air tight. Near suffocation heightens the effects of the drugs in the air and the sonic assault from the band. |
80 | Light well - somehow a beam of sun reaches all the way down to this level. A single green sprout grows in the small circle of light in the center of this dingy room. |
81 | Cistern - Waist deep water fills this concrete box. |
82 | Skateboard Park. Two rival gangs are having a trick duel. Anyone passing through must perform a successful trick or be attacked by both gangs. Change skateboards for hover boards or Segways if you like. |
83 | Gang squat - 1d6 drug crazed gangers lounge in this ruined space. They attack immediately. |
84 | Sewing shop - all available space in this small apartment is filled with sewing machines worked by squinting, smoking workers. They will take offense if it is implied they are anything but artists. They can work nearly any material into clothing, armor, etc. but start at a high price. They will haggle, but won't advertise that. |
85 | Salon - Specializing in personal defense upgrades (sharpened fake nails, subdermal implants, helmet like hair treatments that still look good) |
86 | A group of 4d6 people standing in a circle, with their backs to the center. They're all similar enough that they might be clones; they're dressed alike, with shaved heads and bare feet. They won't react to anything unless attacked, at which point they'll all start screaming and punching at random. |
87 | Courtyard vault - empty fuel barrels and a stripped and rusted ground vehicle. 1d4 vicious mongrels attack as a pack. |
88 | Gambling Den around a Fighting Pit for mutant mantis monsters. Overly crowded and any commotion results in 50% chance of jostling a PC & 1d4 bystanders into pit, resulting in an uproarious cheer and subsequently furious betting. The drinks are surprisingly good. |
89 | Catwalk - a rusting iron gantry spans a wind and rain whipped pit between dripping walls. |
90 | Police check point. Machine gun nest, sandbag redoubt. Chevroned barricades and neon cones. 1d6 Police armed with assault rifles checking papers |
91 | Leech filled muck pit. |
92 | Holo-Garden - The only real thing is the bench. Currently being used by 1. Necking teens 2. Druggies shooting up 3. Brother and sister hiding from their abusive parent 4. solo musician/preacher practicing |
93 | Balcony - 1d100+30 stories above the swirling pollution layer. A crumbling steel railing guards the edge. |
94 | Sweatshop of elderly impoverished currently manufacturing palettes of embarrassing tchotchkes overseen by a cruel asthmatic cyborg. If overthrown, has an easily-breakable safe of 6d20 black market credits, but a reciprocating gang shows up in 2d6 turns, alerted by the overlord's camera eyes. |
95 | Elevator shaft. Swaying cables. No sign of elevator. |
96 | \“Abandoned\” Garden - a jumble of local and exotic plants create a disorienting cascade of shade and color. WIS roll every other round and change of direction. If failed, the character is at (cumulative) -1 to all rolls and movement as the strange beauty overwhelms them. If the plants are harmed, small maintenance robots emerge from the plants and attack. |
97 | Acid pits - a series of precariously placed planks provide a perilous passage over poisonous pools. Acid does d6 damage for 1d4 rounds/per contact. |
98 | Unemployment Office where you can find terrible hirelings… |
99 | You are suddenly inside a multilevel military vehicle (think dieselpunk tank) that was integrated into the building long ago. |
100 | Construction zone- d10 workers are building are tearing down and building walls here. |
101 | Russian roulette batting range. The machines can randomly throw at you: 1. Normal ball 2. Fruit (oranges/apples/etc) 3. Grenade (will explode upon hitting it) 4. Pool ball 5. Human shrunken head 6. Spiked metal ball |
102 | Children playing some sort of holosport around an industrial mobile compactor, reducing the junk heap underneath into a growing pile of trash cubes used by surrounding locals as furniture. |
103 | People are living and sleeping in person-sized tubes attached to an old, inactive machine. If rare materials (rare yet present elsewhere in the megacity) are gathered to repair it, it will send anyone in the tubes backward or forward in time 1d6 days. |
104 | Dissident den - Small group of anarchists with artistic beards and haircuts working an old-fashioned printing press to make anti-establishment pamphlets. |
105 | Steam Room - well-muscled inhabitants rub olive oil into each other’s backs while steam is injected into the air from ports on all sides. Not a lick of clothing in the room. |
106 | Malfunctioning wastewater filtration system tended by mutants. Side effect of particular mutation strain is complete obliviousness to deformities, and any attention brought to them will result in confusion. |
107 | False chamber of Congress. An unelected politician stands at a podium before an empty swath of church pews while believing spewing lies to no one at all will somehow make said politico's life less painful and get more stuff for his children that utterly hate him. |
108 | Mold a foot thick on the walls. Beneath the mold are corpses in varying states of decay. Breathing the air in any way forces a con check every round. Failed check indicates quick onset of permanent, debilitating asthma. -1 to con and dex. |
109 | Scribes laboriously copying by hand d6: 1. Incomprehensible tech manuals 2. Porn 3. Chick tracts 4. Printed out internet forum posts 5. Tax forms 6. RPG rulebook |