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Scoundrels rarely choose to be scoundrels; they are forced to the fringes of society out of desperation and exploitative governments. Scoundrels will exploit any advantage, no matter how dishonorable, to get what they want.

Free Perks

Inspiration earner.
Once per scene, you earn one inspiration point when you accomplish any of the following:

On the Run
Inspiration earner.
Scoundrels, being outside the law, tend to attract the wrong kind of attention. You gain an inspiration point each time you allow the GM to introduce one of the following characters to a scene:


Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You may spend an inspiration point to cause an unsuspecting target to suffer a Mortal injury. The target must not be in combat, must not suspect you, and you must have spent at least one hour studying the target while within line of sight of the target. The Mortal injury can be dealt by any means, so long as you have the necessary resources and skill to do so. For example: A backstab to the heart might require Combat rank 1; Poisoning someone's drink requires you to have poison and had access to the person's drink.

Disable Device
Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You can disable devices such as locks, traps, and alarms. To do so, you must know the device is there, the nature of the device, and be able to somehow manipulate the device. Once you have disabled the device, you may add it to your inventory if it is portable, and you may reasonably alter how the device is triggered. You may spend an inspiration point to discover the position of all such devices within 10 meters (30 feet) of your location. Gaining more information about these devices may require further investigation. The time it takes to disable a device depends on the ranks of the device's crafter, see table.

TABLE: Scoundrel's time to disable device
Disabler's Ranks in Scoundrel
MINUS Device-Crafter's Ranks
EQUALS Difference
Difference Time to disable
1 or greater 1 action
0 1 minute
-1 1 hour
-2 1 day
-3 1 week
-4 or less 1 month

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
If you spend two consecutive actions to dash1), you may spend your next action to discover an escape route that exits the scene. The escape route leads to a place that is safe from interference for at least 1 hour. You are also allowed to spend an inspiration point at any time, even if you aren't dashing, to discover the entrance of a secret passageway - the Gamemaster decides where it leads.

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You may use inspiration points to negate damage.

You can craft false credentials that pass mundane inspection. To do so, you must spend at least an hour for each document, and have sufficient materials on hand - more valuable documents often require more valueable materials.

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
When you finish a short rest, you may gain the benefits of any perk, even if you do not meet the prerequisites for it. This benefit lasts until the end of your next long rest, and you cannot benefit from more than one perk in this way at a time. You may take the 'Improvise' perk multiple times, each time allowing you to increase the number of perks you can benefit from. Additionally, as an action, you can discover a useful object nearby that is small enough to fit in your hand and is too worthless to sell.2)

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You can cause a person to believe one of the following if you interact with them for 1 minute:

You can cause a person to believe more than one of these, but each additional belief requires an additional minute of interaction.

When you use this ability, there is a high likelihood that the target will eventually begrudge your influence, even if you were truthful6). The length of time that the target will be influenced without feeling negatively depends on your ranks in 'Scoundrel' (see following table). You may, at any time, reset the duration of your influence without risk by again interacting with the target for 1 minute, or by spending a point of inspiration.

TABLE: Duration of Influence without risk
Ranks in Scoundrel Duration
1 1 minute
2 1 hour
3 1 day
4 1 week
5 1 month

Prerequisites: Scoundrel rank 1, Combat rank 1.
When you use your action to steal an object from a creature, you may also make a single attack.

Naïf 7)
Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You may use an inspiration point to introduce into a scene a naïve character who is useful to you. The naïf can do any of the following:

Pickpocket 8)
Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You can steal an object from a person's pocket or bag undetected. Alternatively, you may plant an object into a person's pocket or bag undetected. Whether stealing or planting an object, you may move a number of objects this way equal to your ranks in Scoundrel. If you spend an inspiration point, you may instead move an entire worn item from or to a person's body.

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You receive income because you run a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal operation. When making a Wealth check, you may use your ranks in Scoundrel minus one to succeed at the check instead of your ranks in Wealth. For example, if you wish to succeed at a Wealth check of 3, you can succeed if you have this perk and 4 ranks in Scoundrel. If you are far removed from the community in which you run your Racket, such as being in a place that uses different currency, you may suffer a Disadvantage (-1) on this check. You may spend a point of inspiration to gain an Advantage (+1) on this check.

Second-story Work 9)
Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
“Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes and I'll impregnate the bitch.” - Bronn, boasting that he could infiltrate the Eyrie.
You can climb and move over rough or slippery terrain without disadvantage and at full movement speed. You can also use ropes and climbing equipment at an expert level. You do not suffer injuries caused by the strenuousness of climbing. Your jump distance is that of a professional athlete.

Stealth 10)
Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You can use an action to hide. To do so, there must be something in the environment to obscure your presence, and you must not act in such a way as to raise an alarm. While hidden, you may move and remain unnoticed. Attempts to hear or see you fail, but creatures with special senses may be able to detect you - senses such as a bloodhound's olfaction, or a bat's echolocation, or a trained investigator using special techniques to find traces of your passing. Additionally, you may spend an inspiration point to do one of the following:

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 113), Gamemaster approval.
You are actually working against the party for the adversary. You gain an inspiration point each time you forward your boss' plans. If your party finds out your true allegiance before the climax of the story, you must allow the Gamemaster to take control of this character if they wish, and then create a new character to play. Once your true allegiance is found out, prematurely or not, you gain 1 Inspiration point.

Underworld Connections
Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
You have friends in low places. You have a good reputation in, or a good relationship with, at least one criminal organization. If you are among criminals who don't know you, they either know you by reputation or they know a mutual connection and will allow you access to their group. Additionally, you speak 'Thieves' Cant', an ever-shifting language only decipherable by those who have this perk. You may spend a point of inspiration to discover a friend in a criminal network.

FIXME: Under construction…

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.
FIXME: Under construction: Spies are generally considered of the scoundrel-type of character. If so, Scoundrel needs sufficient perks so that a player can replicate a spy-type character.

What about piracy and pirate related abilities? pirates are also important scoundrels.

Prerequisite: Scoundrel rank 1.

other mechanics

DEVNOTE: FIXME How to reword this without making 'Dash' a necessary mechanic? - Is the 'Flee' action sufficient from the 'Fighting' set?
DEV NOTE: FIXME: I want an ability that makes it obvious that rogues should be able to do things like make a lockpick out of a hairpin. The wording in the perk may not fully realize this goal.
AKA: Forgery, when the documents are not, in fact, legitimate.
AKA: 'Charm', or 'Flattery'.
GM note: A GM should cause a victim of this ability to begrudge the scoundrel when it adds interest to the story. A GM should ignore this if a victim's grudge is inconsequential.
DEV NOTE: FIXME 'Naïf' Could also be renamed & expanded as 'Henchman' - although the 'Companion' ability probably makes this expansion unnecessary.
DEV NOTE: FIXME Additional considerations: hide item in cavity, sleight of hand. Like 'Second-story work, I feel like 'Pickpocket' is both too limited, underpowered, and bulletpointed to be fully finished - is there some core concept that allows for simplification of adjudication and increase in freedom?
DEV NOTE: FIXME: Although I feel like there needs to be some perk to ensure that scoundrels can have very high freedom of movement and infiltration abilities. 'Second-story Work' feels a bit too underpowered and bulletpointed to be considered finished - is there some core concept or wording that will simplify adjudication while also incrasing its power?
DEV NOTE: FIXME: Stealth, like other perks in Scoundrel feels a bit too underpowered and bulletpointed. It might even be too simulationist and not abstract enough. Maybe consider making it more abstract using the ideas of “nonchalance” and “infiltration”
DEV NOTE: FIXME This might need additional caveats, such as: There must be a way of intercepting the communique.
DEV NOTE: FIXME Eavesdrop is a necessary skill for scoundrels, so its included here for completeness, but it might deserve its own perk - such as 'Gossip and Rumor' or 'Information'.
DEV NOTE: FIXME Should this really require ranks Scoundrel? This feels more like a story-arc type of perk. If this doesn't belong in Scoundrel, then move to 'Perks, All' page then delete its instance here.