Table of Contents


Premise: Starting off as a survival game, we will explore themes of war, immigration, corruption, pollution, slavery, using the city of Sigil as if it were an international trading port.

Character development:

Random Encounters, Sigil

Layers of Hell and The Abyss


Sigil Factions

Cast of Characters


Planescape Torment: Enhanced Edition (FULL OST)

Session ideas

# Act # toLvl Title Date Ideas
1 1 3 Tour of Sigil & its quests 2022-07-10 Survival game
2 1 5 A Tour of the Hells 2022-07-17 Advanced quests and RP
3 1 6 Rush to join a Guild 2022-07-24 RP with Factions
4 2 7 A Conspiracy Detected, An Investigation Begun 2022-07-31 Investigation, gathering information
5 2 8 A Worm Assassinated 2022-08-07 Assassination attempt success/fail, major clues discovered
6 2 12 War in Tarrasterrane 2022-08-14 Major combat in Tarrasterrane that spills out into Carceri → Phlegethon → Saurmidas → Maladomini → Malbolge → Malarios → Acheron
7 3 13 The Beginning of the End of Everything 2022-08-21 Key players monologue plot, mustering major belligerents
8 3 17 The Final War 2022-08-28 Climax
9 3 17+ After Life 2022-09-04 Epilogue

Campaign solutions:

Plot Clues

Called 'Fun facts' in-game.

  1. “Prince Mephistopheles is the strongest being in the multiverse.”
    1. “As strong as Mephisto.”
    2. “Mephisto has leverage on everyone.”
    3. “Only Mephisto could.”
  2. “You can't trust someone who trusts no one.”
    1. “Come back when you're accountable.”
    2. “Where's your badge?”
  3. “All secrets are known in Maladomini.”
    1. “Maladomini knows.”
    2. “Between you and Maladomini…”
    3. “Bury it as deep as Maladomini.”
  4. “Thank the Lady that Zugg and Jube have never found common ground. If they were to ally *shudder*, all hell would break loose.”
  5. “Limbo is where souls go to rest and forget before starting over… But, some souls stay there forever.”
  6. “Golden Apples are irresistable to animals.”
  7. “The Fires of Phlegethon are hot enough to melt anything.”


Sigil. Known as the city of doors, also known as the city at the center of the multiverse, is now equivalent to an international trading port. All the departed souls in the multiverse first come to Sigil before going on to their final afterlife. Sigil is a vast, harsh, crowded metropolis built on the inside of a strange toroidial structure at the center of the multiverse. It is filled with lost souls, demons, devils, trapped gods, aliens, and foolish adventurers.

The city itself is ugly, filled with buildings of discongruous styles and materials, and constantly under construction. Adversarial architecture is everywhere, discouraging climbers and thieves. Living in the city feels like being in a actively chewing mouth fighting with the other food to avoid being torn apart by sharp broken teeth.

Sigil denizens are just as dangerous. Half the city's population are violent ideologues - who strongly believe that their view of the multiverse is correct, and seem to look forward to having an excuse to violently convince you that they are right. The res are either intentionally attempting to exploit you, or acting out of desperation, or simply feral, no one in Sigil can be trusted.

The only thing keeping these violent tensions from throwing the city into all-out war is the Lady of Pain, a mysterious and inscrutable woman clothed in blades. She walks silently among the city and all giver her a wide berth, for those who dare to pass close enough are torn to shreds by invisible blades.
# What Note
1 Death Sigil is dangerous. Your character will likely die, multiple times. If there's ever a scenario where your character dies, you will provided with a new character to play while your original returns to Sigil.
2 Economy Trade in Sigil runs on Silver and Salt. Gold is not used as a currency but is used as a resource. When you see “gp” you are actually trading in silver pieces. When you see “sp” or “cp” you are actually trading in portions of salt.
Character Introduction, for first player
You find yourself dumped on a pile of sludge so large that you can see over the rooftops of sigil. Between the stench of the sludge, the noise of the city, the non-newtonian nature of the surroundings, and an unsettling sense of amnesia, you feel deeply nauseous. Nearby is a huge, spiked dome, glowing with an awful green energy. You feel a body crash into you, what do you do?

Questing Board at the Church of the Dustmen

Bounty for cranium rats, 1gp per
Bounty for razorvine, 1sp per foot
Bounty for edible flesh, 1sp per pound
Bounty for remains delivered to Dustmen necropolis, 1cp per
Will barter equipment
Elf female bound for Malarios, 10gp for capture. Blonde hair green eyes, wears a ruby in their hair.
Human male bound for Carceri, 12gp for capture. Brown hair and eyes, branded with an 'H' on left cheek.
Tiefling female bound for Phlegethos, 55gp for capture. Right broken horn, blue skin, very tall.
Kitsune bound for Carceri, 720gp for capture. Sex unknown, agouti fur, blue eyes, leaves a scent of cinnamon behind.
WANTED: Holy Avenger sword! Lost in the Hive, will pay top dollar and no questions for return!
WANTED: Laborers to demolish Old Bradbury Hotel on Hunterwasser. 1sp per day.
WANTED: Able-bodied craftsperson for forges. 1gp.
WANTED: Slaves for ship on Sigil→Tarrasterrane→Material Plane→Sigil route. 1gp.

Layers of Hell & The Abyss

See page Layers of Hell and The Abyss

  1. Avernus
  2. Styx
  3. Limbo
  4. Carceri
  5. Malarios
  6. Phlegethon
  7. Saurmidas
  8. Stygia
  9. Maladomini
  10. Malbolge
  11. Tarrasterrane
  12. Purgatory