Table of Contents

Dec 23rd campaign notes

To do:

General Notes

Colby, John, Liam, Stirling, Trey




5e gold to dollars conversion?




Adjudication? d100 roll under.

The default outcome is “success with complication”. If your character is experienced and has sufficient tools to succeed, then they do, without complication. If they have an advantage in addition to necessary experience and tools, then they critically succeed.

Using inspiration

Inspiration can be used to remove a complication from a scene or increase the degree of success of an action. Inspiration can also be used to reduce the degree of an injury inflicted on your character when the injury is first applied.

Gaining inspiration

You can gain inspiration by performing certain actions specific to your character. See 'Inspiration Sources' on your character sheet. You can also gain inspiration by adding a complication to a scene, by or by reducing the degree of success of an action your character performs due to a character flaw or injury. You can also gain inspiration by taking on an injury, or increasing the severity of an injury.


An injury comes in five degrees of severity: (0) None, (1) Light, (2) Severe, (3) Mortal, (4) Death. Most of the time, if your character suffers an injury, it will be light or severe. Light injuries almost always heal on their own without skilled medical attention - just cleaning and a bandage is all that is needed. Severe injuries require skilled medical attention or they will progress to Mortal injuries. Mortal injuries require skilled medical attention, fully-equipped facilities, and a great deal of recovery time, or they will swiftly progress to Death.

Sometimes, a character will suffer an injury that outright kills them, but these are rare. Sometimes, an injury will leave behind a scar. A scar is a flaw that represents your character's experience with trauma. It can be leveraged for inspiration in the same way as an injury, but without the risk of it progressing to a life-threatening injury. On the other hand, some scars may permanently handicap your character's abilities. Scars rarely heal.

Injury Recovery Probability Tables

:?: Devnote: What is the 'likely' number of days, for each injury severity, of recovery or death? This would be a good number to know to balance the risk of death/scars.

Injury Recovery Probability Table

* Without medical intervention With medical intervention
Severity Recover Continue Aggravate Recover Continue Aggravate
None 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0%
Light 60% 30% 10% 70% 30% 0%
Severe 20% 30% 50% 60% 30% 10%
Mortal 10% 30% 60% 40% 30% 30%
Death 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0%

Injury Recovery d100 Roll Table

* Without medical intervention With medical intervention
Severity Recover Continue Aggravate Recover Continue Aggravate
None - 1-100 - - 1-100 -
Light 1-60 61-90 91-100 1-70 71-100 -
Severe 1-20 21-50 51-100 1-60 61-90 91-100
Mortal 1-10 11-40 41-100 1-40 41-70 71-100
Death - 1-100 - - 1-100 -

Injury Recovery d20 Roll Table

* Without medical intervention With medical intervention
Severity Recover Continue Aggravate Recover Continue Aggravate
None - 1-20 - - 1-20 -
Light 1-12 13-18 19-20 1-14 15-20 -
Severe 1-4 5-10 11-20 1-12 13-18 19-20
Mortal 1 2-8 9-20 1-8 9-14 15-20
Death - 1-20 - - 1-20 -

Injury Recovery d20 Roll Table (DC “meet or beat”)

* Without medical intervention With medical intervention
Severity Recover Continue Aggravate Recover Continue Aggravate
None - 1 - - 1 -
Light 9 3 <3 7 1 -
Severe 17 11 <11 9 3 <3
Mortal 20 14 <14 13 7 <7
Death - 1 - - 1 -


(key choices per scene?) (info cards per scene?)

ACT 1 - War

ACT 2 - Home

Player Characters