======Supplementary Materials====== [[Glossary]] [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:table_falling_speed_on_earth|Table: Falling Speed on Earth]] [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:table_falling_speed_on_the_moon|Table: Falling Speed on The Moon]] [[Riddles]] [[Dead Alewives' Dungeon & Dragons Sketch]] [[I put on my robe and wizard hat]] [[Magic Items]] [[Development]] [[Skill Tier Titles]] [[Rules Created Because of Mr. Welch]] [[The Evil Overlord List]] [[List of Deadly Hazards]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yShqF1YSfDs|60 Minutes Dungeons and Dragons segment]] [[AnyDice - Dice Probability Calculator]] [[Character Voices]] [[Voight-Kampf Test Questions]] [[Spiritual Battle]] [[Cursed Problems in Game Design]] ===== Handouts ===== [[Chicktract 'Dark Dungeons']] [[The Economics of the Peerage - a letter from NAME to NAME]] [[Logic Puzzles]] [[RPG Consent Checklist]] [[Wizards' College of Magic - Entrance Exam|Wizards University Entrance Exam]] [[Crossroads Contract]] [[Document Planner Template]] ---- ===== Random Roll Tables ===== [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:d100 Random Roll Table BLANK]] [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:d1,000 Random Roll Table BLANK]] [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:Carousing with Bellociraptor]] [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:Mega Slum Generator]] [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:Random Encounters, Sigil]] [[Injuries and Injury Roll Tables]] ---- ===== Maps ===== [[new_magic_handbook:supplementary_materials:Map of the layers of Hell and The Abyss]]