====== Crossroads Contract ====== I, the undersigned Soul Bearer, do solemnly swear, in good faith and in full knowledge, to abide by the terms of this contract, on the penalty of forfeiture of the undersigned Soul Bearer's everlasting soul to the undersigned Soul Taker. ---------------- * In trade for three (3) wishes (as per the 9th Spell Level 'Wish' spell) delivered by the undersigned Soul Taker to the undersigned Soul Bearer at any time the undersigned Soul Bearer wishes, I, the undersigned Soul Bearer, promise to perform three (3) simple tasks in service of the undersigned Soul Taker. * I, the undersigned Soul Bearer, promise to perform these tasks promptly, diligently, in good faith, and to the best of my ability. * The undersigned Soul Taker promises that these tasks are simple, easy to complete, and will not endanger the undersigned Soul Bearer or the Soul Bearer's companions. __Boilerplate__:\\ #1) This contract shall supersede any rules, regulations, laws, customs, traditions, ethics, morality, alignment, or practices of the District, Realm, Province, Kingdom, Domain, Empire, Layer, Dimension, Demiplane, Plane, Universe, Multiverse, or Timeline which are contrary to or inconsistent with its terms. #2) I (the undersigned Soul Bearer) do affirm that this contract is entirely indestructible and infallible, even through divine or profane or otherwise intervention. #3) I (the undersigned Soul Bearer) do agree to abide by the terms of this contract in good faith, even if inconsistencies, contradictions, poor grammar, typographical errors, spelling errers, exist in the contract. #4) As per the 'Fairness in Hell Act of 2275' this contract may be escaped, only prior to delivery of the undersigned Soul Bearer's soul, in a contest of dueling fiddle performances between the undersigned Soul Taker and the undersigned Soul Bearer or Soul Bearer's nominated second (as per standard dueling rules) [DC55 Performance Check (+5 Cha, +6PBx2Exp, +12 BardInsp, +1 IounStMasteryx2Exp, +4Guid, +20Portent)]. #5) I (the undersigned Soul Bearer) do affirm that any attempts to cheat, coerce, deceive, rewrite, time-travel, pray, pledge marriage, render null-and-void or otherwise circumvent the terms of this contract shall render myself (the undersigned Soul Bearer) immediately in breach of the terms of this contract, thus causing my (the undersigned Soul Bearer's) everlasting soul to be ejected from whatever form it is inhabiting, if indeed it is inhabiting a form, and in either case delivered immediately to the undersigned Soul Taker's possession. #6) If my (the undersigned Soul Bearer's) everlasting soul were already owed to another, e.g. through marriage, fealty, fate, servitude, or another demonic compact of any kind, I (the undersigned Soul Bearer) affirm that I must still abide by the terms of this contract, though the penalty as stated "forfeiture of the Soul Bearer's everlasting soul to the undersigned Soul Taker" shall be read as "servitude of the undersigned Soul Bearer unto the undersigned Soul Taker until eternity or until the delivery of one (1) Soul, whichever condition is satisfied first." #7) Should the undersigned Soul Bearer not, in fact, have a soul (in the state of soullessness), then I, the undersigned ostensible Soul Bearer, recognize that the contractual term 'Soul Bearer' is understood as an arbitrary label applied to the undersigned in the Soul Bearer signature position, and does not in fact cause this contract to be rendered null-and-void due to "inconsistency". Should this be the case, then, as stated in boilerplate #6, I (the undersigned Soul Bearer) affirm that the penalty as stated "forfeiture of the Soul Bearer's everlasting soul to the undersigned Soul Taker" shall be read as "servitude of the undersigned Soul Bearer unto the undersigned Soul Taker until eternity or until the delivery of one (1) Soul, whichever condition is satisfied first." |\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ............................................................................|\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ............................................................................| ^ **Soul Bearer** ^ **Soul Taker** ^