====== Goblins in the Basement ====== A set of RPG scenarios involving goblins in an innkeepers basement. ===== Default Scenario ===== There are goblins in the basement, they are evil and mischievous, but not particularly dangerous to the player-characters. They will kill and consume any other characters that enter the basement. ===== Refugee Goblins ===== The goblins aren't evil, but are misunderstood refugees. ===== Evil Innkeeper, Kidnapper ===== The goblins don't exist, and the innkeeper locks the door behind the player-characters to trap them. ===== Evil Innkeeper, Serial Killer ===== The goblins don't exist, and the innkeeper locks to door behind the player-characters, trapping them in a dangerous basement. Danger ideas: * The goblins DO exist, but they are dangerous. * There is toxic gas down there. * The basement is actually a dungeon. * The basement is actually a deep pit. * The basement's pit is trapped. * With spikes. * With deep water that requires swimming/floating. * The water holds sharks/crocodiles/piranha/leeches. ===== Orphans ===== The 'goblins' are actually orphans trying and failing to hide. They live off scraps. The orphans are hiding because: * Their orphanage burned down. * Their village / parents farm was the victim of a violent raid. * The innkeeper killed and ate their parents, and is fattening up the orphans for later. * The orphans are of a race persecuted by the local authority and the innkeeper is trying to turn them in.